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                         I'm Melissa Coffman, an Accredited Functional* Nutritionist who specializes in digestive health, with a focus on healing and maintaining a balanced microbiome. I earned my certification from the University of Michigan and subsequently pursued further qualifications in gut-brain health, IBS management, celiac disease, and gluten-free living.

Over the past twenty years, my personal health challenges, along with those faced by my children, have guided me towards a journey of healing through nutrition. Confronted with a range of medical conditions including celiac disease, kidney disease, food sensitivities, mast cell disorder, dysautonomia, and Lyme disease, I found myself compelled to delve into extensive research. This exploration not only provided valuable insights but also played a crucial role in facilitating our family's path to recovery and well-being.

I am deeply committed to helping my clients in rejuvenating their gut and digestive health by using all natural, tailored nutrition and lifestyle strategies. My philosophy of utilizing food as a form of medicine is evident in the customized nutritional services I offer, which are designed to meet the unique needs of each individual.

In addition to assisting individuals on their paths to healing, I enjoy spending quality time with my family, traveling, and embracing the various experiences life presents. Beyond my interests in nutrition, I have a passion for wildlife photography, web design, and cherishing moments with my two beloved cats.

It is my passion to help guide and provide resources and tools to those in need of healing and those wanting to enjoy life again!

Volunteering is important to me and I enjoy working with various organizations:

  • An Education and Wellness Consultant with the Dysautonomia Support Network

  • Ambassador for the PKD Foundation (Polycystic Kidney Disease)

  • Ambassador for Beyond Celiac

  • Collaborate with FIG app developers, Food Belly, Partner in Lyme, and more

Nutritionist certificate number: UC-2c18eb21-f74c-4282-bd08-dcf79bec79b9
Fully accredited by CTAA

*A functional healthcare provider is one that has been educated, certified, and trained in how to treat the patient/client as a whole. This practice considers the whole picture of one physically, mentally, and emotionally. 

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