Through volunteering with reputable organizations, I have found purpose in uplifting individuals facing chronic health challenges. The act of giving back fills me with joy and allows me to live out my passion for making a difference. Though the road may be difficult for many, I aim to walk alongside them with compassion.
Beyond Celiac offers support to caregivers of and those diagnosed with celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. Visit the website to learn more, click here! As a Beyond Celiac Ambassador, I focus on inclusion, establishing personal connections and building supportive networks for those with celiac disease and gluten sensitivity at every stage of life. Ambassadors for BC work independently and collaboratively on initiatives designed to drive the Beyond Celiac mission forward. I offer the celiac and gluten sensitivity community articles that help guide them in a successful gluten free lifestyle.
Dysautonomia Support Network (DSN) offers support and so much more to those suffering from all types of Dysautonomia. Visit the website to learn more, click here!
I am an Education and Awareness Team Consultant for DSN.
DSN Consultants are key members of our Education and Awareness Team. This team’s mission is to curate and create educational content and resources related to understanding dysautonomia in all its various forms, with the specific purpose of enabling members to confidently and effectively manage their journey with dysautonomia. These resources are also critical to our awareness-building efforts within the medical and local communities.
Consultants are students or professionals in their fields who may or may not be patients or caregivers. They use their unique skills and qualifications to work with the Education and Awareness Team on a project-by-project basis.
Natural Food Certifiers (NFC) - gluten free certification
NFC has guidelines and regulations in place to keep food companies in compliance with their gluten free certification. NFC agreed to share their practices with me, in order for me to better inform the public about their safety measures. They also were interested in hearing more about my point of view and I hope to collaborate in the near future on my recommendation for the NFC to offer certifications for restaurants. Going forward we will be working on a podcast and other ways to help out those living a gluten free lifestyle.
Partner in Lyme to learn more visit the website by clicking here.
I have partnered with Partner in Lyme to help support patients with Lyme disease and co-infections. I support those suffering from Lyme disease and co-infections by offering diet and nutritional guidance.
PKD Foundation (Polycystic Kidney Disease) Visit the website to learn more, click here!
I am a Co-Ambassador for the PKD Foundation, Tampa Chapter. PKD Connect Ambassadors play a vital role in providing local support for PKD communities across the United States and serve as the frontline for individuals new to the PKD Foundation. As a volunteers I provide educational opportunities and support to the local PKD community while connecting individuals to PKD Foundation programs and services as appropriate.